Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference
Wednesday 2:00 2:45
2103 B Professional Learning Networks, Russell Van Hoose
This fast and easy starter course gets participants set up in twitter with accounts and learns the
in's and out's of creating a rich and rewarding PLN's. Come away with your PLN set up and ready
to go for the rest of the summer! Session #210303 | 1 CPE
2105 B InBox Zero & Other Great Things for GAFE & IFFTTT, Jason Baughman
Learn how to clean up your inbox and be more productive. We'll also look at using triggers to
automate some of your classroom information from and Google Apps. Use these tools to
keep students in the know. Session #210503 | 1 CPE
2107 B Energizing ELAR, Misty Joaquin
Tools and tips on integrating technology into the modern English Language Arts and Reading
classroom. Session #210703 | 1 CPE
2108 B The Edmodo Connection, Audrey Pruitt
Are you tired of your students losing their work or leaving it at home? Connecting assignments
and projects with Edmodo will save that frustration. We will look at a variety of presentation
options that will work for any grade level and any subject area. This session will show you and
your students how to connect Drive items, other files, and links to Edmodo assignments.
Session #210803 | 1 CPE
2109 B Global Learning, Julie McClurg
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vulputate sem vel nulla eleifend,
eleifend laoreet eros consequat. Etiam sit amet purus vel lacus rhoncus suscipit. Integer aliquet,
velit eu sollicitudin sollicitudin, est ligula consectetur velit, commodo sagittis tellus quam sed
tortor. Fusce volutpat consequat odio, eu pretium elit lacinia. Session #210903 | 1 CPE
3102 B Digital Assessments, Miranda Hansen
This session will cover how to use applications such as Eduphoria, Edmodo, Google Forms,
Google Docs, Socrative, and Padlet to assess students digitally. This will include both formative
and summative assessments. Session #310203 | 1 CPE