LEH International School Foshan - Prospectus (Oct 2019) LEH International School Foshan - Prospectus Sept | Page 3

Welcome to Lady Eleanor Holles International School, Foshan I am delighted to welcome you to Lady Eleanor Holles International School (LEH Foshan), an exceptional British curriculum day and boarding school, welcoming boys and girls from 12-18 years old. LEH Foshan was founded on the blueprint of one of England’s oldest and pioneering schools. Like our sister school in Hampton UK, LEH Foshan combines impressive intellectual endeavour with engagement in a rich variety of pursuits beyond the classroom. Our impressive new campus, with its expansive teaching, sports, arts, drama and technology facilities, has been designed with the needs of secondary students at its heart. It offers a positive learning environment where students can develop a quiet self-confidence, together with the courage and optimism to achieve their personal goals. At LEH Foshan, students learn to be courageous and ever hopeful, optimistic and determined in all that they do. Our goal is to prepare students to be the leaders of the future: expert learners who are unafraid to tackle new and challenging ideas, prepared to take risks, learn from mistakes and move ahead positively. 欢迎来到佛山 LEH 国际学校 欢迎您来到佛山埃莉诺霍利斯国际学校(佛山 LEH),一所为 11 至 18 岁孩子们提供卓越的英式国际课程的走读及寄宿学校。 佛山 LEH 的姐妹学校位于英国汉普顿,是一所历史悠久且极具创新 精神的一流学府。正如这所姐妹学校,佛山 LEH 将浓厚的学术氛围 与课堂以外的丰富体验相结合,确保所有学生都能愉快地学习。 我们以中学生需求为核心、精心设计的新校 园,将提供一流的教学设施,专业的音乐表演 场所,宽敞的体育馆和先进的科技设施。营造 了一个正面积极的环境,培养学生沉着自信、 乐观勇敢的精神状态,以实现他们的个人目 标。 我们的校训“希望垂青勇者” 贴切优雅地描述了学校的教育宗旨。 在佛山 LEH,学生将对他们所要做的事情充满勇气和希望,乐观积 极,坚定不移。我们的目标是要让 LEH 的学生们成长为专家学者和 未来领导人,不惧挑战,攻坚克难,直面风险,愈挫愈勇。 我和同事们将会在此回答您可能遇到的任何问题,我们期待及有兴 趣与每一位家长和学生们见面,了解 LEH 将如何帮助你们实现目 标。 My colleagues and I are here to answer any questions you may have, and we look forward to meeting every parent and student who is interested in learning more about how our school can help them achieve their goals. Mr Steve Allen 安弘博 Head Master 校长