Dress for success. Your appearance is key.
We are going to be very direct, very blunt and potentially offensive
in making the next few points. They are about YOU and how YOU
present YOURSELF.
We are not joking with any of the following:
- Get a haircut
- Shave
- Shine your shoes (shoes, not athletic wear)
- Gentlemen – Remove any visible piercings.
- Ladies – Tone down any piercings and keep your jewelry conservative,
not flashy.
This is not a time for “personal expression.” This is a time to look like the
people you want to talk to and their staff. If your appearance is not what
they are used to, your message will be harder to hear.
The goal is to look like the people you are speaking to.
Gentlemen – conservative blazer or suit (read: no golf shirts or “Tommy
Bahama” wear), an appropriate tie, dress slacks (read: no jeans).
Ladies – dress, skirt, slacks and/or jacket, neat and nothing over the top.
Attractive, but not flashy is the desired look. Keep the jewelry and cleavage
to a minimum. Footwear should be in the same vein: attractive without
being flashy. Remember you will be doing a lot of walking!
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