Make the most of this opportunity.
Make Good Use of Your Time
Show Respect
Remember, the two things an elected For some, this will be your first time in
representative has in limited supply are the office of an elected official, sitting
their vote and their time. They can get down with a member or their staff –
more money, more supporters, etc., but the environment can be intimidating.
they can’t get more time or more votes. Respect where you are and the
importance of it, but don’t be
If time is such a precious commodity,
overwhelmed by it.
you need to make the most of it!
Be respectful of the people you are
Don’t waste your time buttering them up, speaking to regardless of their role.
bragging about them or telling your From interns working in an office to
favorite story about them. You are there an elected official, be respectful.
to get your message heard. Be grateful
for their time and get to work as quickly Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse.
and politely as the situation allows. This isn’t your office where you are
comfortable and in control. This is
Often there will be themes for your their turf, their rules, their customs;
conversation and talking points for each they are in control. Respect these
theme. Stay on the themes; follow the facts.
talking points.
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