legends may 2016 | Page 2

Letter from the Editor

Hello and welcome to the very first issue of (soccer) Legends Magazine. Whether you like to play soccer or you're just a fan,you are really going to find alot you're going to like about this magazine.

In this months issue we're going to focus on the best soccer players now-a-days. I will also give you the latest information on the best soccer cleats. I will also talk about "How did soccer start." we all have questioned ourselfs and I got the answers. We are also going to talk about messi."Gow did je stat playing in the first place."I have all the answers to all your questions.

The purpose of Legends Magazine is to review new soccer equipment & products, inform players about upcoming events ad competitions, and to have a place to share our passion for soccer. I hope you like the Magazine!


Marco Chavez..