Legendary Games Legendary Games - League of Legends | Page 9

Roles and positions


In the game there are four lines , but five positions and in all positions there can be used many champions with different roles , the roles of the game are: Assasin , Support , Tank , Shooter , Fighter and wizard .

-In the Top lane is recomended to use a champion with the first or second role of Tank but even tought you can use champions with any other role , the only thing is that you can bee killed easy if you dont use a tank .

-In the Mid lane is recomended to use a champion with the first or second role of wizard , fighter or assasin , even tough nowadays there are seen all type of champion in the midlane and we have to recognize that allmost all the champions are too good on the mid lane , but there are some wizard , assasins or fighters that are too good in the mid lane and for example if you go with a shooter you can be killed too easy .

-In the jungle lane there can be used champions with any role , the only reques is that the jungler have to help in all the lines , so is recomended to use champions that can jump or go too fast to the enemy champion , because at the moment of the gank ( help in lines ) the enemy player will run to avoid dying .

-In the bot lane there goes two player , is recomended to use an AD carry ( shooter ) and a champion with the role of support or if those champion can save and help the AD carry it can works as support .