Legendary Comedian Michael Colyar, “The G.O.A.T. The Greatest of ALL TIME”. SapphirEmerald Magazine Special edition 2023 | Page 3

From the desk of

Yolanda McIntosh

We are in pursuit of true passion that is displayed around the world . We are hoping to empower people with a newfound direction in life whereas YOU are in control of your destiny and YOU can be accountable for your own choices that YOU make in life . They are the rare gems that we would be fortunate to meet in life . SapphirEmerald Magazine will introduce things that we do not focus on in the world that needs global recognition too . SapphirEmerald Magazine wants to know are you a Sapphire story ?
Photographer : Jerry A . Barnes Model : Kenia Wardrobe / Stylist : JABarnes Photography LLC MUA : Kenia Set Design : JABarnes Photography LLC