Legal Era Nov 2017 | Page 7

58 INSIGHTS Current Risk Management Position In LEGAL MEDIA GROUP BY THE PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPLE. OF THE PEOPLE. 62 In Focus Whistleblower Protection Reforms: A model for India and Australia The risk management function is set to become increasingly important over the next decade where shareholders will look to add value to their business and protect customers 66 OUTLOOK Carry Cash Risk Your Reputation! As a rule, individuals should only travel with large amounts of cash when it is absolutely necessary, otherwise using the banking system wherever possible Australia has proposed a whistleblower protection model which can act as a blueprint for other common law countries, including India, which seek to enhance protections to those who blow the whistle on corporate misconduct and corruption 70 BARELY LEGAL DOWNSIDE PROTECTION: NOT MERELY A LIP SERVICE ANYMORE Indian courts are strongly heading towards an approach that discourages Indian parties from using regulatory compliances as a defense for resisting contractual obligations Insolvency Summit 2017 organized by INSOL India, SIPI, and Legal Era Magazine 74 www . legaleraonline . com | L egal E ra | N ovember 2017