You Indulged and Lena Pope is Grateful!
Jade is Golden!
The 18th Annual DFW Restaurant Week, presented by Central Market, was a huge
success, thanks to your big and generous spirit. Lena Pope is honored to be the
beneficiary of the Fort Worth dining event, and is thrilled to work with the diverse
group of remarkable restaurants that support our mission.
Lena Pope’s “Staying Connected” project is vital to
Each delicious plate directly translated to essential services that impact thousands
of children and families right here in your community. Thank you for dining out!
We also want to express a huge heartfelt “thank you” to the restaurants and their supportive staff for making
this year’s DFW Restaurant Week such a success.
connected with graduates and their families to study
Boi Na Braza
Bonnell’s Restaurant
The Capital Grille-Fort Worth
Citrus Bistro Seafood
Clay Pigeon Food and Drink
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse
Del Frisco’s Grille - Fort Worth
Del Frisco’s Grille -Southlake
Eddie V’s Prime Seafood
Ferrari’s Italian Villa
iL Calabrese Ristorante
Kirby’s Prime Steakhouse
Lonesome Dove Western Bistro
Mac’s on Main
Max’s Wine Dive
The Melting Pot - Arlington
Mercury Chop House
Michael’s Cuisine Restaurant and Bar
Piccolo Mondo
Piola Italian Restaurant
Queenie’s Steakhouse
Reata Restaurant
Restaurant 506 at the Sanford House
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Silver Fox Fort Worth
Silver Fox Grapevine
Texas de Brazil - Fort Worth
The Classic of Roanoke
Truluck’s - Southlake
VB Steakhouse
Waters, Bonnell’s Coastal Cuisine
Wild Mushroom Steak House
the impact that these two Lena Pope schools have
made on its students.
Jade graduated from Chapel Hill Academy in 2013
and throughout the last few years has soared both
academically and in her extracurricular activities. A
member of the National Junior Honor Society, Jade
excels in her studies, including two foreign languages,
and is an active member of the volleyball team and
theater troupe. Recently Jade performed on stage as
Rightfully so, Jade proudly shows off her membership into the National
Junior Honor Society.
one of the mischievous eels from “The Little Mermaid,”
with support and love, all children can be successful.
and she continues to shine in her ballet recitals as well.
The Staying Connected program believes, once a
Lena Pope kid, always a Lena Pope kid, and Lauren
Jade and her family perfectly capture the multi-
looks forward to continuing conversations with Jade
dimensions of a Chapel Hill Academy family and how
throughout her bright future.
“Take Flight,” a comprehensive intervention for
off their year of benevolence at the beautiful home
struggling readers and dyslexic students. Laura Hall,
of board member Julie Kleberg. The end-of-summer
CHA’s Literacy Specialist, is one of thirty educators
gathering included a special live performance by local
selected to participate in a two-year training program
singer-songwriter Adrian Johnston and her band. Both
in order to implement the Take Flight curriculum
seasoned and new YPA’s enjoyed the evening while
and receive her CALT (Certified Academic Language
learning the possibilities of helping to bring hope,
Therapist) certification. This curriculum is research
happiness, and success to Lena Pope’s youngest lives.
and evidence based, and has proven to produce
Whether reading to Chapel Hill Academy students,
above average gains in reading for even the most
volunteering at events, being a pen-pal, or working on
Without the hard work and dedication of the YPA Steering Committee,
Rock the Fort, Fiesta, or Nike Golf Classic, Lena Pope’s
Lena Pope’s efforts to enhance community involvement would not be
Doane, Program Evaluation Coordinator, literally stays
This year, CHA is introducing Scottish Rite Hospital’s
Lena Pope’s Young Professional Advocates (YPA) kicked
to families and children at Lena Pope.
Hill Academy and the Early Learning Center. Lauren
Chapel Hill Academy Students Soar!
YPA Kick Off
YPAs are an immeasurable source of love and support
evaluating the success and outcomes of both Chapel
reluctant reader. It is joyous to see tears of frustration
as fun, let alone successful. (From left to right) Keegan Hand, Pamela
replaced by smiles of success. The pride is evident as
Gilchrist, Sonya Cisneros, Lauren Quiroz, Tony Prenger, Nicole Ellis,
Ms. Hall continues to hear, “I brought my homework,
Stephanie Bunn, Stephen Rios, and Robin Greenhaw,
and I did it myself!”
CHA Students use picture association games to help them practice
spelling and letter sounds.