You are Magic – and We Believe in You.
Thank you for playing!
very day, Lena Pope hears from people
Toys, household essentials, food, or opportunities for
The 22nd Lena Pope Nike® Golf Classic went off
like you, donors with huge hearts and
family fun are just a few of the gifts that can change
without a whiff on Friday, September 25, at Waterchase
so much to give. Every single donation
a family’s spirit this holiday season.
made is intensely personal and Lena Pope
Golf Club. The annual tournament presented by Nike
is proud to put your gifts into the hands of those in
Golf was a huge success, raising more than $100,000
need. The holidays are a wonderful time to continue
Little ones of all ages deserve a morning of opening
to support Lena Pope’s counseling and education
to fill the gaps of the children and families we serve
holiday gifts. Our angel forms make it easy to please
services. Golfers enjoyed goodie bags filled with
by helping them have a beautiful and happy holiday.
any age child with their own wish lists.
Nike Golf gear, breakfast provided by Fuzzy’s Taco
Shop, and lunch by Bob’s Steak and Chop House.
From single parent families to multi-generational
The afternoon was topped off with delicious sweets
households, choosing to adopt a family during the
from Tiff’s Treats. This event would not be possible
season can address many needs. These lists may
include basic bedding, a holiday meal, and special
without the many friends and supporters who
gifts under the tree for everyone.
donate their time and goods to the tournament.
If you would like to support our children and families
A huge thank you goes out to Nike Golf, Bob’s Steak
during this holiday season or during the coming
and Chop House, Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, Tiff’s Treats,
year, please contact Vivianna at 817-255-2855 or
[email protected]
The Nike Golf teams huddle up for a strategy session before hitting the
course. The Golf tournament could not happen without the amazing and
generous team at Nike Golf.
Trader Joe’s, and the Vending Nut Company. We are
also so grateful to our many sponsors and volunteers
ELC Family Picnic
who donated so much of their time to help make
the tournament run so smoothly. Thank you for your
support and for changing the course of a child’s life!
Earlier this Fall, families enjoyed a picnic on their
fun Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom. The dining
extravaganza was a great bonding experience for
friends and families as they sat down to a delicious allAmerican hot dog dinner.
Above: The adoration is
evident on the faces of
this family as they snack
on fresh fruit together.
Left: “Which one should I
eat first?” Oh, the choices
were plentiful at the
Early Learning Center kiddos share munchies as parents bond and
get to know one another.
ELC’s family picnic 2015.
Andrews Distributing Company
Lockheed Martin
Southwest Bank
GM Financial
Ross Exploration
Calloway’s Nursery
Fowlkes, Norman & Associates
Betty Sanders
Andy Thompson
Leonard Golf Links
Alex Armstrong
Chicken Express
Higginbotham and Associates
Smith Brownlie
SouthWest Volkswagen
The Reynolds Company
Wells Fargo
John Molyneaux
Susanne and Kevin Avondet
Cash America
Southside Bank
Mac Churchill Acura
Fort Worth Business
The Kwedar Family
Regent Services
Mutual of Omaha Bank
ClubDesign Associates
Bennett Benner Partners
Rachel and John Burrow
Regions Bank
Jeff Anderson
Lowery Asset Consulting, Inc.
Judy Needham
Patti and David Rapisand
Al Hall
Lena Pope’s Alex Dunn and Waterchase’s Alison Wise (a Golf Committee
Co-Chair) have the team spirit it takes to make the day fun for the golfers
and successful for Lena Pope’s families.
Photos by Len Henderson
kids’ turf at the Early Learning Center’s beautiful and
CHA Safety Patrol were the hit of the morning and happily posed with the
Nike Golf teams. The students also wished every player good luck with a
Safety Patrol high-five as teams took to the course.