Shnease Webb receives Patriot Award
Six Days in Cuba
The Patriot Award, given by the Employer Support of the
Gaurd and Reserve organization, recognizes supervisors
and bosses nominated by a Reservist employee for support
provided during times of deployment. Former Lena Pope
employee Crystal Garrison is currently on operation
support orders and recommended Shnease Webb receive
the award for all she has done for Crystal and her family.
Crystal explained her nomination:
Lena Pope CEO Todd Landry spent six days in Cuba as
part of a delegation chosen by CWLA (the Child Welfare
League of America) and The Coalition for Research
to Practice. The goal was to learn from Cuba’s strong
community-based child welfare practices by meeting
with the country’s leading childcare, healthcare, and
education providers.
“Shnease Webb has supported me personally and
professionally through several trainings and a state
deployment within a short period of nine months. With
little to no notice, I deployed as a member of the Texas
State Active Duty border mission, Operation Strong
Safety. I was then sent to MRT training and two TDY
trainings for my PME qualifying school. Both of these
events were back-to-back and immediately following
my S.A.D. deploym ent. Upon two weeks of returning to
my civilian job, I was recommended and reported for
ADOS duty. Not only has Shnease shown me support
during this time, she has shown support to my family.
She led an effort while I was on the border to send
my two elementary aged daughters gifts. These gifts
not only brought joy to my girls but it made both my
husband and myself feel like we had not been forgotten.
During my multiple trainings within the last year my
father was diagnosed with cancer. Shnease supported
me through this as well. On more than one occasion
Shnease told me not to worry about my civilian job,
that I am allowed to make my family my priority during
these challenging times. Even though I missed several
days of work due to my service obligation, Shnease still
Shnease Webb is presented with a Patriot Award by Texas ESGR Area 9
volunteer Maritta Loo-Sumner.
allowed me to miss additional time to be with my father
while he was under-going radiation and chemotherapy.
It is challenging for employers to employ Service
Members. They, too sacrifice every time their Service
Member deploys or goes on training. Shnease should
be rewarded and recognized for the sacrifice she has
made as my employer. Even greater than that, Shnease
Webb should be recognized for the truly amazing,
big hearted person she is. Shnease Webb should be
considered for the highest award available and should
be formally presented with the award so that others
may be made aware of her support of her country and
its Service Members.”
“On drives throughout the country, virtually no new
construction could be seen. Buildings were old and
struggling to be maintained,” Todd said. “Despite the
crumbling infrastructure of Cuba, its people have
somehow managed to not only survive, but in some
ways thrive through their commitment to each other.”
Though Cuba does not have a formal child welfare
system, the country has long practiced raising children
in a broad community setting, to provide them with
what they need to be happy and healthy and go on to
reach their full potential.
“For example, the care we witnessed of the children’s
shelter staff toward those in their care was as warm
and loving as we could ever hope for,” Todd said. “It
made me wonder just how excellent the care could
be if the housing conditions, water, and food was of
the same quality as their loving care.” From tours to
maternity homes, schools, universities, museums,
children’s shelters, and more, Todd returned to the US
believing the recent initial steps toward normalizing
relations with Cuba are not only in the right direction,
but in our nation’s best interest.
Todd’s Six Days in Cuba blog, along with dozens of
photos, will be released one day at a time later this
month at
Circle of Hope | Your Legacy to Lena Pope
Crystal Garrison, 1LT
Passing the Gavel
The dedicated counselors
Endowments and planned giving allow Lena Pope
to help families stay together and overcome crisis.
Including Lena Pope in your will as a planned gift
every year at Lena Pope
allows us to provide innumerable services to the
are able to do so because
youth and families of our community in perpetuity.
of generous contributions
For this great gesture, we would like to honor your
from people like you.
commitment to Lena Pope by recognizing you and
your family. Of course, gifts may remain anonymous
Every summer, as the Board of Director’s shifts to new
leadership, Lena Pope awards outgoing presidents a
token of appreciation. Their service on the executive
committee is a four-year commitment, beginning as
Secretary, and working their way through the other three
positions to become President of the Board. Pictured left
is Pam Pigman, outgoing president, and Kathryn Arnold,
newly elected president. These exceptional women
have done tremendous work for Lena Pope, and we are
very grateful for their years of service.
The delegation poses with a joyful group of residents from a
children’s shelter after gifts of fruit, candy, pencils, sunglasses, and
t-shirts were shared.
counseling services for families on Medicaid, the
according to the donor’s wishes.
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or for
uninsured families is four to six weeks. For families
If you would like to make a bequest in your will,
that desperately need help dealing with a death,
or have any further questions, please contact
trauma, abuse, or a troubled child, that time can feel
Marilyn Sammons at 817-255-2606 or msammons@
like an eternity.