Legacy | A Publication of Lena Pope Legacy | Winter 2013 | Page 4

Stories of Thankfulness to really feeling like I had a support system. It’s not just a school. It’s a family.” When Jacob first walked through the doors of The Early Learning Center a year ago, he was a biter. He has since stopped biting, his vocabulary has improved, along with his abilities to self-soothe, speak and reason. “He’s A Mother’s Love growing into a more well-rounded child,” said Rebecca. “He’s so lucky.” By Jana Kurrasch A full scholarship allowed Rebecca to attend TCU to Our family is extremely grateful for the support we pursue a degree in Early Childhood Education. In May receive from Ms. Shana at Family Matters Counseling. 2014, Rebecca will be a college graduate. She hopes to Our story is one of hope and healing. We adopted work at the Early Learning Center one day. our daughter when she was 8 and she is now 12. After She insists that part of the reason she works so hard moving from foster home to foster home (11 times), she is because of the support of the director of The Early is now in her forever home. Her past was one of abuse, Learning Center, Susanne Luebke. “I’m accomplishing neglect, and poverty. Her wounds are deep and her Mrs. Simon scars are both physical and emotional. raising of her young, very active nephew and a great need to give back. Volunteering at the school as often as As we move forward as a family, it is a day by day, she can, Mrs. Simon has also attended parenting classes minute by minute challenge. We face emotional, at Chapel Hill Academy and benefited from Lena Pope behavioral, and academic challenges with our family counseling. With this extra help, both Mrs. Simon daughter. We are thankful for the weekly support thinking. She has years of experience and I consider from our wonderful therapist, Shana, at Family her an expert in her field. I trust what she tells me is like a big family, and I know I can talk to them about Matters. If I had to use three words to describe Shana and take her advice to heart. anything I need help with.“ knowledgeable. Shana is faithfully there for us. She is Each week therapy ends, I say to Ms. Shana, “We are so thankfu