Legacy 2017 South Florida: Power Issue | Page 12

By : Zach Rinkins
Sidney C . Calloway
Sidney C . Calloway is a partner in the Fort Lauderdale office of the Shu�s & Bowen Law Firm . He describes himself as a , " trial a�orney ," equipped to try various civil rights , commercial , criminal and a host of complex li�ga�on . His talents and tenure , notwithstanding , Calloway admits he ’ s not moved by the trappings of his posi�on .
“ I am driven by the power of being an
By : Zach Rinkins
Juliet Murphy Roulhac , Legacy ' s Juliet Murphy Roulhac Corporate Execu�ve of the Year

Voca�on vs Calling : The Thesis of a Community A�orney

a�orney ,” exclaims Calloway , a former Miami-Dade County assistant public defender . According to the Calloway , there are two aspects of being an a�orney . “ One , is the voca�onal aspect . A�orneys take deposi�ons , try cases , read the law , etc .,” he declares . “ Those are the things we do as part of the voca�on of being a lawyer . The actual work .”
The second , he reveals , is the real power which lies in service .“ The power of being a lawyer is understanding the calling of a lawyer as an advocate and as a spokesperson . It ’ s embracing your ability to analyze and ar�culate difficult or controversial statements and informa�on ; and then using those powers in the service of your community .” That philosophy helps combat his discontent .
“ The causa�on that con�nues to undermine our ability to do be�er is structural . There are systemic things that occur in our community . We have to ask , why are so many of us in jail ? Why do so many of us suffer from drug issues and broken families ?” He challenges . “ Figh�ng to level the playing field and neutralize the
rela�onship building as well as taking ini�a�ves to government officials ,” says Roulhac , who covers the Broward County and southwest Florida region . “ I also push community-driven goals and execute corporate ci�zenship .” Roulhac says FPL is commi�ed to diversity and inclusion and considers corporate responsibility a priority . “ We can never take for granted those who use our services . Without them we would not exist ,” she notes . “ We feel a very strong corporate responsibility to pay them back regardless of race or socio-economic status .”
FPL accomplishes that by encouraging and suppor�ng employee volunteerism . The Fortune 200 firm also engages the business and general communi�es to help increase customers ’ quality of life . It also sponsors community events and pla�orms like the MLK Day of Service and Broward 211 .
“ We try to strike a balance in the sponsorships we provide . I prefer to think of them as partnerships ,” Roulhac explains . “ When we engage with organiza�ons , we harmful systemic impediments to our community is key .”
The discontented counselor offers this solu�on-oriented thesis .
Elect Capable Leaders : “ Many of the things that our community contends with are structural . That ’ s why it ’ s important to put the best people in posi�ons of power . The legisla�ve and judicial branches are cri�cal . That ’ s your city commissions , school boards , etc . Our public officials need to do be�er with understanding that we must get more of the system than we are ge�ng .”
Embrace Diaspora Unity : “ The concept of divide and conquer s�ll works ! We are not coordinated enough . We are disjointed . We have false divisions . In South Florida , we are divided by the African-American community , the Caribbean-American community , Hai�an-American community , and we ’ re all Black ! We can ’ t thrive or get be�er comprehensively if we don ' t come together collec�vely . The idea is to build a stronger community where everybody benefits . We have enough demographic power and
consider them to be well-run and well-inten�oned . They have to have ini�a�ves that align with some of FPL ’ s goals and corporate values .” FPL corporate values are : to do the right thing ; do things with excellence ; and treat people with respect . I also like to find programs with those types of values as well .”
FPL ini�ally hired Roulhac as an a�orney in its General Counsel office . She moved to her current capacity approximately six years ago . “ A lot of it was in part due to me being very engaged in several community and statewide boards , on my own . The company was aware and suppor�ve of that ,” Roulhac expounds . “ I was appointed by the governor to serve on the University of Florida Board of Trustees . I think that was a key factor in FPL approaching me about this role , which is all about rela�onship building and serving on boards .” Roulhac offers this advice to people seeking promo�ons or career transi�ons .
Share Your Success : “ Too many of us are reluctant to tout our successes in the popula�on numbers to change the system .”
Inves�ng in Our Young Folks : “ I have always had an open door for young Black professionals and young lawyers . Period . If they ’ re thinking about or currently a�end law school , or if they ’ re new lawyers , I mentor them . We have to invest in our young folks and make ourselves available for them . We ’ ve got to train , teach and make a way for them to see the things we do so they can learn . So , they can use their new skills combined with our knowledge to make it . We are ge�ng older . If we don ’ t have trained young professionals ready to replace us , it ’ s a losing ba�le . It ’ s a ques�on of how good we want our community to be ?”
Anyone familiar with Calloway knows he doesn ' t pursue idle challenges . Just Google the verdicts for some of his clients ( several hundred black farmers seeking jus�ce against discrimina�on and Broward County residents seeking fair school district elec�ons .) Here is the short version : the community scored the victory .
Find out more www . Shutts . com .

Juliet Murphy Roulhac : Legacy ' s Corporate Execu�ve of the Year

Op�mizing rela�onships , recrui�ng government partners , and fine-tuning agreements , are all in the professional por�olio of Juliet Murphy Roulhac , regional manager for Corporate External Affairs for Florida Power & Light ( FPL ). Roulhac is an a�orney by training , a rela�onship op�mizer by profession , and proud Jamaican by heritage . And , she ’ s enjoying her journey .
“ I develop strategies for FPL in terms of workplace . We might work hard and excel at what we do , but , it ’ s meaningless if nobody knows what you ’ re doing . I realized I had to make the people who were in the posi�on to promote me aware of what I was doing , without bragging about it . I learned to share things in a factual way . That way I was repor�ng what occurred , as opposed to bragging about it .”
Show Your Value : “ You do yourself a disservice if you don ’ t show people your full value . Too many of us sit back and wait to be recognized or promoted for the great work we do .”
Ask for Opportuni�es : “ Your manager may think you ’ re excelling so you are happy . Your vice president might not want you to transi�on because your performance helps the company . It ’ s important to communicate that you want to pursue a different opportunity . You have to communicate that you want a change . Very o�en it ’ s presumed that you are happy and the easiest thing is to leave you in your current posi�on .”
Log on to FPL . com , for more information .