Legacy 2017 Miami: Top Black Educators Issue | Page 8

8BB AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MIA MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS GROUP TO THE MIAMI HERALD Methods to Bolster Community ‘Safety Nets’; Students’ Success at Stake Opinion By Dr. Marcus Bright Our children need a community safety net to catch them when they fall into difficult circumstances. Many of these young people lack an adequate support system at home and fall through the cracks into despair and devasta�on. This is not the fault of the children themselves, but the conse- quence of a number of behavioral and systemic dysfunc�ons that may have put them and their families at a disadvantage. This is why the movements to defund TECHNOLOGY By Richard Chance MONDAY, JULY 17, 2017 public educa�on and shi� funds to private interests must be vigorously opposed. This "reverse Robin Hood" tac�c threatens to destabilize the public schools that the majority of our children a�end. Unfortunately, the dominant narra�ve of “bad public schools” is o�en able to drown out counter narra�ves. The stories of good public schools are mostly submerged by broader derogatory characteriza�ons. This adds ammuni�on for the development of public policy based on no�ons and narra�ves that are inaccurate and incomplete. If you can put the en�rety of public schools in the dysfunc�onality bag, then it becomes easy to move an alterna�ve agenda of destruc�on. Secretary of Educa�on Betsy DeVos and several state governments have put their foot on the gas with regards to accelera�ng the growth of charter schools, including those that are privately managed. Charter schools serve a purpose and can be great vehicles for innova�on, but the starving out of tradi�onal public schools to fund the resurgence of charter schools is not a tenable proposi�on for the over 90 percent of students who a�end tradi�onal public schools. Educa�on is s�ll the core vehicle for social mobility. A�empts to create a stra�fied system of schools that have, and others that severely lack, threatens to expand the quasi-caste economic system th