Legacy 2017 Miami: 40 Under 40 Issue | Page 6

By Chris Norwood

Andrew Gillum and Dream Team to Energize Florida ’ s Democratic Base

In 2018 , we will have the opportunity to elect the first African-American governor of Florida . Andrew Gillum , mayor of Tallahassee , is our only hope . Now is also the �me to have an African American at the top of the �cket so we can energize the base of the party and carry Democrats into the Florida Cabinet .
The governor does not run Florida . It is run by the Florida Cabinet , which includes the : governor , a�orney general , chief financial officer , and agriculture commissioner . This is the only state in the union that governs this way . This is a ves�ge of Florida ’ s Reconstruc�on era when delegates of the 1885 Cons�tu�onal Conven�on were convinced that an outsider could be elected governor , so they weakened the execu�ve office by co-sharing execu�ve powers with a Cabinet of state elected officials .
In 2017 , we have an opportunity to achieve what these men hoped to avoid , elec�ng Florida ’ s first Black governor . It ’ s only achieved , however , as a team . We need others to run for the Cabinet to help energize the core cons�tuencies of Florida Democra�c voters .
Imagine this for a moment : Gwen Graham for a�orney general , Jeremy Ring for chief financial officer , and Darren Soto as commissioner for Agriculture and Consumer Services . Imagine that ? The Democra�c candidates for the Florida Cabinet actually looking like the Florida Democra�c Party .
Do we think that half of our party who are women would be excited about Gwen Graham being the chief law enforcement officer in the State of Florida ? She is a former congresswoman from the panhandle , a place where we need more Democra�c ac�vism . She ’ s the daughter of former governor and U . S . Senator Bob
Graham .
Would Darren Soto leave Congress to become commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services ? Well Adam Putnam did ? Putnam rose to the third ranking posi�on in the U . S . Congress and resigned to run for agriculture commissioner in 2010 . Darren Soto is Puerto Rican and loved by Democrats of Central Florida – a ba�leground area of our state . He should do as Putnam did , see the power and pres�ge of a Cabinet posi�on and go for it .
Jeremy Ring is a former state senator , businessman , investor and one of the founding members of Yahoo . Ring is a Broward County Democrat from voter-rich South Florida . That sounds like a resume for chief financial officer for the State of Florida .
Andrew Gillum is mayor of Tallahassee . He already knows his way around the capital . He is from Miami , was raised in Gainesville , and became a man , father and mayor in Tallahassee .
This is the Dream Team that can excite the base of the party . Our governor and Cabinet race is less about the issues and more about voter outreach . Democrats historically have lost these elec�ons 16 out 17 �mes . Going forward , we should run candidates for governor and the Cabinet that actually look like the Florida Democra�c Party . If we want to bring out our base ( crucial in non-presiden�al elec�ons ), let ’ s see its diversity in our candidates .
Take a page out of the Republican playbook where their Cabinet represents specific cons�tuencies within their party . Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam is a fi�h-genera�on ca�le rancher and citrus grower from Polk County ( represen�ng the tradi�onal agricultural community of his party ). CFO Jeff Atwater is a former banker ( finance industry ). A�orney General Pam Bondi is a former state prosecutor ( law enforcement and a woman ). These are key cons�tuency groups for any party . Gov . Rick Sco� represents business — Big Business ! Meanwhile , 58 percent of Florida Democrats are women , 30 percent are Black , and 20 percent are Hispanic . One-third are from South Florida .
If we want to turn the �de in Florida , Democrats simply need to be ourselves . We have a Dream Team in Gillum , Graham , Ring and Soto . We should be convincing our party that this is the only way to shi� the dynamic . That is my challenge and should be yours too .
Arbitration / Mediation
By Stanley Zamor
Client : “ Greg , if you would have be�er advised me of the extensive cost of this li�ga�on I might not have let it go this far , but now I am so financially commi�ed I have to see it through , even though it may bankrupt me .”
A�orney : “ Although you are heavily engaged in li�ga�on , now that you are at media�on you have a real opportunity to reduce further expenses while reaching an resolu�on you create .”

Why Mediation May Cost Less Than Litigation

Unfortunately , this was a real statement made by a plain�ff expressing his frustra�on to his a�orney . The media�on ended and resulted in a se�lement three hours later .
The Real Cost of Li�ga�on
We live in a great country where our legal system , although not perfect , is available to those who choose to use it . So how expensive is li�ga�on anyway ? Um , although the ini�al cost of a civil suit varies depending on the lawyer you choose and the type of case , it is not unusual for either party to spend nearly $ 100,000 in a conten�ous business law suit . How ? Well , a brief example can be illustrated based on taking the deposi�on of five people who are poten�al witnesses :
● A�orney ’ s replenishable retainer of $ 5,000 - Used for ini�al costs , filing , and commencing discovery of the lawsuit
● A�orney ’ s fee of $ 300 per hour : Charged for research and prepara�on related to five , eight-hour witness deposi�ons :
○ $ 300 x 8 = $ 2,4000
○ $ 2,400 x 5 = $ 12,000
Further consider the cost of travel and deposi�on transcripts , usually $ 1,000 each
○ $ 1,000 x 5 = $ 5,000
Other basics li�ga�on costs include ( but are not limited to ) hiring expert witnesses ; research and study of reports , analysis or other projects ordered by the court ; a�orney hourly fees ; copy fees ; computer legal research services ; secretarial and paralegal fees ; external consultants and specialist fees ; private inves�gator ; electronic discovery maintenance ; trial demonstra�ve aids , and more .
The Truth Is Real Unfortunately , even though our civil li�ga�on system is considered to be the best in the world , it is costly . The rewards , if any , are some�mes too far delayed to enjoy the benefits . This is why media�on is available and courts encourage par�es toward media�on early as an alterna�ve to trial . In many areas of the law , such as Condo & Home Owners Associa�on cases , you must mediate before you li�gate .
The Cost of Media�on Contrary to li�ga�on , media�on cost frac�ons less . Media�ng before you file a lawsuit can save you tens of thousands of dollars . The compara�ve math is :
● Typical mediator fee : $ 300 per hour for five hours
● Cost is shared between involved par�es That means $ 1,500 and you are done ! If you have an a�orney , add the cost of their �me too . Regardless , your cost can be under $ 3,000 and you would have reached a resolu�on that you created and controlled . When you li�gate you triple that cost for an uncertain outcome .
Hmmmm … Make a business decision . You have op�ons .
Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit / Family / County Mediator & Primary Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator . Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation / arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company . He regularly lectures on a variety of topics from ethics , cross-cultural issues , diversity , bullying and family / business relationships . szamor @ i-mediateconsulting . com www . i-mediateconsulting . com www . LinkedIn . com / in / stanleyzamoradr ( 954 ) 261-8600