Legacy 2016 South Florida: Top Black Educators Issue | Page 12

By : Dr . Germaine Smith-Baugh
Dr . Germaine Smith-Baugh President and CEO Urban League of Broward County
Educa�on is a key component of social-economic success in our na�on . However , gaining a quality educa�on isn ’ t so easy for many African-American children who end up in some of our lowestperforming schools .
One way to change that is to a�ract more diverse , empathic teachers into our
y : Dr . Denise St . Patrick-Bell
Dr . Denise St . Patrick-Bell
To be tax-exempt under sec�on 501 ( c )( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code , “ an organiza�on must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual .” The exempt purposes are charitable , religious , educa�onal , scien�fic , literary , tes�ng for public safety , fostering na�onal or interna�onal amateur sports compe��on and preven�ng cruelty to children or animals . The term charitable includes relief of the poor , the distressed , or the underprivileged ; advancement of religion ; advancement of educa�on or science ;

The Need for More African-American Male Teachers

school system so they can serve as good role models to our children and make educa�on more engaging , fun and prac�cal to daily life .
More specifically , we need to recruit more African-American male teachers who can relate to our boys and girls and bring out the best in them in the classroom . The trouble is , only about 3 percent of America ' s public school teachers are African-American men . It ’ s a shortage well-documented by our na�on ’ s top educators , including former U . S . Secretary of Educa�on Arne Dunca through the Teach . org ini�a�ve . Duncan decried the lack of African-American educators , no�ng that when he was in charge of Chicago Public Schools , most of the students were African-American , but many schools lacked a single African-American male teacher .
Na�onally , close to 16 percent of public-school students are African- American , but the number of African- American teachers , both male and female , is only 7 percent of the na�on ’ s teaching force . One study found that nearly 40 percent of public schools lack even a single
erec�ng or maintaining public buildings , monuments , or works ; lessening the burdens of government ; lessening neighborhood tensions ; elimina�ng prejudice and discrimina�on ; defending human and civil rights secured by law ; and comba�ng community deteriora�on and juvenile delinquency .
Non-profit organiza�ons have always been a part of the landscape of the Black community . We benefit from the many social , educa�onal , and religious services they provide to improve our communi�es . However , I don ’ t think it occurs to many people how integral these organiza�ons can be to the overall func�oning of the economy . Several economic impact studies affirm the indispensable value of non-profit organiza�ons in any economy .
Non-profit organiza�ons are businesses which in terms of day-to-day opera�ons run very similarly to for-profit corpora�ons . The jobs they provide help sustain the economy in the same way a for-profit organiza�on does . The nonprofit sector employs over 10.9 million people , or 10 percent of the workforce . Nonprofits ’’ vast economic contribu�ons account for $ 805 minority teacher . Many believe African-American male teachers can be more effec�ve at teaching young African-American men , who are more likely to struggle at school and are significantly less likely than their white counterparts to graduate from high school and college . A�er all , it makes sense that men who grew up in tough environments are likely to connect with youth who face similar challenges in school systems . Research conducted a decade ago found a connec�on between a teacher ’ s race and student performance . One study determined that African-American children randomly placed with African-American teachers showed more improvement than African-American children taught by white teachers . What researchers also found interes�ng is that African-American teachers educa�ng African-American children create bonds that resemble family connec�ons , support and common experiences .
In Broward County , we could use many of these teachers for our schools and educa�onal programs . The Urban League of

The Importance of Non - Profits in our Economy

billion , about 5.5 % of the Gross Domes�c Product ( GDP ).
Non-profits provide a source of employment for their employees . They require supplies , computers , internet and phone services , building materials , and u�li�es in order to operate . This generates revenue for the companies that manufacture and distribute these goods and services , thereby providing added economic s�mula�on . According to a report by John Hopkins University , employment in the nonprofit sector had an average annual growth rate of 2.1 percent from 2000-2010 , a period in which the United States experienced two separate recessions . Conversely , for-profits saw employment reduced by 0.6 percent annually across those 10 years . The economic downturn “ increased the demand for many of the goods and services provided by charitable organiza�ons .” Under President Obama funding opportuni�es for non-profits have increased significantly .
As one who has spent over 20 years in the nonprofit sector , I recognize their social and economic value . I was also very happy
Broward County ’ s School is Cool program could certainly benefit . It ’ s a school-based program designed to address the ABC ’ s ( a�endance , behavior and coursework performance ) for struggling middle school youth . Our program offers life skills , academic remedia�on , course correc�on , parent engagement and enrichment ac�vi�es with the intent of ge�ng the students back on track for gradua�on .
While we have plenty of teachers capable of nurturing students in this and many other programs , African-American male teachers can offer empathy to students that is o�en based on their own first-hand experience .
So let ’ s work to increase teacher diversity and create more opportunity for our students to succeed .
The Baughtom Line : Our na�on needs to more African-American men leading our classrooms . They represent just 3 percent of teachers . African-American teachers can serve as indispensable male role models and offer unique insights into the challenges experienced by students of color .
when the nomenclature changed from non-profit to not-for-profit , because so many , both inside and outside the nonprofit sector , believed that their businesses should not make a profit . All businesses need a profit stream to promote growth and innova�on .
Star�ng a not-for-profit is �me-consuming but not difficult . Finding the resources to sustain it can be daun�ng without professional help but the resources do exist . Are you a changemaker ? Do you have a voice for the people ? If you have the passion , a vision , and a desire to make a difference , now is an excellent �me to be “ Open for Business ” as a not-for-profit organiza�on . We can help - from incorpora�on to capacity building to capitaliza�on and beyond . Are you ready to join the over 1.5 million organiza�ons of the not-for-profit community ?
Dr . Bell is the owner of GAICON LLC and a Principal in Global Strategic Partners Alliance , companies dedicated to the growth of the non-profit and small business sectors from concept to capitalization . For more information call 754.779-2204 or visit www . gaicon . net