Legacy 2016 South Florida: Healthcare Issue | Page 12

By : Clarice Redding
Clarice C . Redding Vic�m Services Program Coordinator Palm Beach County
Ahhhh , those good old 20 ’ s and 30 ’ s . For past genera�ons , these two decades were an opportunity to explore one ’ s interests , obtain an educa�on and career experience , save and build wealth , travel and of course – marry and begin one ’ s family . However , for the modern day millennial , our 20 ’ s and 30 ’ s are dedicated
By : Stanley Zamor
Stanley Zamor , Florida Supreme Court Cer�fied Civil / Family / County Mediator / Trainer & Qualified Arbitrator
In a business dispute , conflict occurs over vague contract provisions , verbal agreements / promises , issues with or within the labor force or business partners no longer able to coexist . Similarly , to a family divorce , where once commi�ed partners find themselves separate and apart ; shared life visions change , commitments wean and trust is lost , business partners can also find themselves needing to end their business rela�onship ( i . e . divorce ). Oh yes , business partners can go through an emo�onal arduous separa�on and breakup just like a married couple . Some contend that

Team NoSleep : Why Stress Isn ’ t the Road to Success

to obtaining as many degrees as possible , digging our way out of debt from pursuing said degrees , dealing with an inflated housing market , gaining mul�ple streams of income and trying to keep up with Joneses – who we only know via Instagram . The young professional is postponing marriage and family , and instead marrying career tracks and birthing businesses . As opposed to saving to purchase a home , they are paying back the government for college credits that cost more than their degrees are actually worth . Not to men�on , there is the actual wan�ng to fit in with other young professionals – even if it means living above one ’ s financial means .
With that being said , it is no secret that maintaining this lifestyle is taxing – financially , physically and mentally . Taking on mul�ple jobs , leadership roles , and maintaining a social façade has become a full-�me endeavor for the young millennial . This has awarded them the astute �tle of # TeamNoSleep . While the hashtag may seem harmless at first ; this philosophy of being a workaholic is yielding unhealthy results .
business disputes are less emo�onal than personal disputes ; I beg to differ . The following is a condensed look at a business divorce and how media�ng resolved varying unspoken issues that yielded an amicable resolu�on .
An Introduc�on I recently mediated a case between business partners severing their short-term business rela�onship and long term friendship . The once friends entered an informal agreement to build and operate a trendy restaurant-lounge . The wealthy Plain�ff agreed to fund and facilitate the construc�on , while the Defendant ( a foreign restaurateur ) was the named owner , and would run / control the restaurant-lounge . The construc�on was never fully completed , as random changes / upgrades by the Defendant led to permit issues and massive delays . The landlord subsequently evicted the Defendant for not opening on �me and released whatever bond to the Defendant . The Plain�ff , sued for the $ 200,000.00 he paid as the construc�on “ factoring ” company . Factoring is a financial
According to the American Psychological Associa�on ( APA ), millennials are experiencing more stress -- and are less capable of managing it – as compared to any other genera�on . Millennials have also proven to be more anxious , with nearly 12 % being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder ; twice the percentage of Baby Boomers . On top of that , all of that stress isn ’ t necessarily aiding in produc�vity . Millennials have actually been proven to perform less effec�vely under stress . The APA has also found that stress and anxiety plague over 60 % of American college students . Anxiety harms the physical and behavioral func�ons of the body , and contributes to the causes of death by suicide , and drug and alcohol abuse . High levels of stress may lead to high blood pressure and heart issues over �me , which may shorten the millennial life span .
While # TeamNoSleep may sound appealing at first , the long-term effects are detrimental . It is wise that young professionals adopt the following healthy habits for a less stressful and more produc�ve life :

Media�on / Arbitra�on : An Alterna�ve to Li�ga�on : “ Business Divorce ? Separa�ng Amicably Through Media�on ”

transac�on and a type of debtor finance whereby a business sells its invoices ( i . e . accounts receivable ) to a third party ( called a factor ) at a discount . It is common business prac�ce to factor receivable assets to meet present and immediate cash needs .
The Posi�ons The Plain�ff ’ s tone / posi�on was , “ I thought I was helping a friend start a new business . All the changes and addi�ons were bound to hurt him , but he would not listen . I just want to recoup what I put in , as agreed , and end this .” The Defendant ’ s tone / posi�on was , " You hurt me more than you helped me . So , I owe you nothing more than what you ’ ve already received . The rest of the bond money is mine …" Although they were exhausted from three years of liga�on , they refused to yield .
The Resolve
The par�es grew to hate each other while deep family �es were torn . My approach / technique was simple ; I had each party tell me “ their story ” … Their a�orneys looked bewildered as the Plain�ff and Defendant offered perspec�ves never
-Sleep at least 8 hours per night -Walk , run , or jog for at least 30 minutes , 3-4 �mes per week -Develop healthier ea�ng habits and pa�erns -For every ounce of coffee , drink an equal or greater amount of water -Put your phone on Airplane Mode at night -Read a new book ( for leisure ) every month -Set a reasonable �meline for your goals -Forfeit perfec�onism and nit-picking -Meet people … in real life
shared , broken friendship �es , and ideas of how to move beyond li�ga�on . Five hours later , there was a signed agreement . Media�on worked because the par�es used their own voice to express themselves , thereby accepted the other ’ s perspec�ve . Although a trial offers the opportunity to claim their legal rights , media�on provided them with what they needed , the opportunity to created value in a self-created resolu�on and have closure .
Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit / Family / County Mediator & Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator . Mr . Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation / arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company where he mediates / arbitrates and facilitates workshops . He regularly lectures on a variety of topics from ethics , cross-cultural issues , diversity , bullying , and Family / Business relationships . szamor @ i-mediateconsulting . com www . i-mediateconsulting . com www . LinkedIn . com / in / stanleyzamoradr ( 954 ) 261-8600