Bringing a voice to Tallahassee for the Everyday Floridian
By Chris Norwood
Christopher Norwood Spokesman for the Democratic Black Caucus of Florida Principal of Norwood Consulting
There is a history of Black Issues winning presidential elections dating back to the 1850s . Our issues appeal to the passions and morality of the American Voter at a rate higher than those who argue against . Therefore , we should not be afraid to champion issues like Black Lives Matter , African-American Public Health , Urban Education Reform , Youth Violence Prevention or Criminal Justice Reform . History informs us that this sort of Advocacy wins Presidential Elections .
In 1856 , U . S . Senator Fremont of
Black Issues always Trump in Presidential Elections
California became a candidate for President for a two-year old Republican Party with an abolitionist platform of “ Free Soil , Free Labor , and Free Men ”. Although Fremont lost in 1856 , it set the stage for 1860 when a former Congressman by the name of Abraham Lincoln because the first Republican President of the United States . Black Issues elevated a newly formed party to victory in 1860 which led to the Civil War and the end of America ' s Great Disgrace – Slavery .
African-American loyalty to the Republican Party begins during this time , and then eventually ends as a result of their acquiesce to Jim Crow . Then in the 1930s , Black voters were drawn to the new 21st Century Democrat Party because Roosevelt ’ s New Deal spoke to the disenfranchised . The result : Roosevelt won his elections by landslides in 1932 and 1936 . By the time Harry Truman desegregated the Army in 1948 , more than half of African-American voters were registered Democrats for the 1st time and Southern Democrats like Strom Thurmond walked out of the 1948 Democratic Convention and never returned .
Then the 1960s brought us the Civil
Rights Act and Voting Rights Act , and Black Folk voted 90 % for the Democratic Nominee because Black Issues were top tier national concerns . Democrat Lyndon Johnson defeated Republican Barry Goldwater in the most lopsided election in the history of America .
Democrats won almost every Presidential Election from 1932 to 1968 , a time analogous to the African-American transition to the Democratic Party . But today , the Florida Democratic Party doesn ' t respect our vote . Case in Point : Senator Dwight Bullard , who also happens to be the Chair of the Miami Dade Democratic Party , is running for re-election in a district that was redistricted substantially . District 40 has a strong Hispanic Democratic demographic . Sen . Bullard is an upstanding gentleman who has done nothing but represent his district and the local Democratic Party with Integrity , Intellect and Passion . What else do we want from a sitting Florida Senator ? The Florida Democratic Party elite have decided that Dwight Bullard can ' t win this seat because he ' s Black . They ' ve placed a Hispanic former Republican legislator in the race , and another candidate who is a major
Democratic Party fundraiser . Both candidates are connected to the Florida State Democratic Party and National Democratic Party , and should appreciate the importance of Black voter loyalty to the Democratic Party , since we make up 30 % of Florida ' s Democrats .
In 2016 , we ' ve become invisible to our party because of our unwavering loyalty . The Florida Democratic Party doesn ’ t feel the need to broker our votes or our leadership . The party doesn ' t court Black voters , they merely pay for Get Out The Vote Campaigns ( G . O . T . V .). So often asking our religious leaders “ so how are you getting your parishioners to the polls ?”. But our pastors are increasingly telling the Democratic Party : “ Why am I telling my parishioners to do this again ? Where ’ s that 2016 Civil Rights Act again ?” We have to stand for Black Issue Advocacy because Black Issues always Trump .
Christopher Norwood is the Spokesman for the Democratic Black Caucus of Florida and Principal of Norwood Consulting . www . thenorwoodconsultinggroup . com @ noahsblues | @ tncgsolutions | chris @ thenorwoodconsultinggroup . com
Bringing a voice to Tallahassee for the Everyday Floridian
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