Leek Life November/December 2013 | Page 5

EDITOR’S LETTER Deborah Boden Contents Editor [email protected] Sophie Cotton Tracey Wardle Design & Production Thomas Brian Advertising Manager [email protected] Mobile: 07855 242693 Jane Walters Advertising Sales [email protected] Times, Echo & Life Publications 18 Tape Street, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1BD Tel: 01538 752214 www.timesechoandlife.co.uk [email protected] 14,250 copies of every issue delivered to households and businesses in Leek and the surrounding areas Countdown to Christmas I t is almost the time of year again, oh no it isn’t, oh yes it most certainly is, and to celebrate panto season in style Leek Life has teamed up with Buxton Opera House to offer readers the chance to win a family ticket for four to see this year’s festive production of fairytale favourite Cinderella. See the Stage Directions feature on page 32 for details on how to enter. But before we get completely emerged in all things festive there are still a few weeks of normality to contend with before Christmas officially arrives. Turning your attention to some of the items in this November/December edition of Leek Life we take a look at the rise of women’s football locally when we caught up with some of Leek’s CSOB Ladies team who are keen to recruit some new players and supporters on and off the pitch, come on girls its not called ‘the beautiful’ game for nothing! Another appeal Leek Life is also helping to get behind in this edition is the need for more volunteer drivers to help out with the valuable service the Community Minibus provides for local groups. This service is a valuable one which is in big demand by the local community ranging from pensioners groups to school children, if you can spare a few hours to help out then please get in touch. And while like me many will be burrying their heads and pretending Christmas is not only a few weeks away, a group of shop keepers and business owners in the town have come up with the perfect solution to ease us into the season’s festivities nicely. Sheep Market and Stanley Street will be coming alive for a special late night Christmas shopping event at the end of November which will not only provide a great opportunity to get going with that endless present list while supporting local independent businesses, but it will also be supporting a very worthy local charity, Jo’s Dreams for the night with 10% of all the takings going to charity. This event promises to be a real celebration of the true meaning of Christmas and one not to be missed. And so with that in mind we wish you not only happy reading but a very merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us at Leek Life. Deborah x Did you know that you can view Leek Life online? Visit www.timesechoandlife.co.uk Front cover photograph courtesy of Brett Trafford. www.bretttrafford.com Find us on Facebook search for Leek Life Magazine Leek Life November/December 2013 5