Arrivederci Helen - Twinning
Committee say a fond farewell
n January 2014 Leek Twinning Committee was
saddened by the resignation of its chairman Helen
Helen has been of great support to the committee
both here in Leek and in Este. She first joined the
committee in 2004 and was elected to the position
of chair in 2006 when John Fisher stepped down.
Helen submitted four successful grant
applications to the EU, including three
Remembrance Weekends in Leek when the town
and its Twinning Committee welcomed Este
Veterans. She co-ordinated visits made to Este by
The Phoenix Singers and Leek Choral Society to join
in concerts with Italian choirs, and also exhibitions
by Leek College of Art.
Helen was part of the organisation of the Leek
Medieval 800 event in June 2007 and was
instrumental in arranging for the first visit of a group
of flower arrangers from Rudyard Flower Club to
attend the ‘Este in Fiore’ event in April 2008 and the
very successful