VARIABILITY┃JANGHANPYEONG USED-CAR MARKET 4th Final Project , Tutor _ Jaewook Chung, Seoul, Korea “Pictures of People Having a Picnic on a Desert- ed Highway During the Great Oil Crisis in Neth- erlands, 1973”. ALL THE GROUND HAS BEEN OCCUPIED ALL OF THE OUR SERVICE WITH INFRA- STRUCTURE. THEREFORE, DEMADING OF THE PEOPLE HAS BEEN TAKEN BACK SEAT. ⓒ 2014. National Archief all rights reserved. The existing Urban development process has not connected to the People and life in our city, due to the single function-centered development for “Commercial Town”. In the internal aspect, this development is lacking in self-sufficiency, while in the external aspect, this development causes imbalance in the Urban Growth, having a serious effect on the Urban Fabric. The Janghanpyeong Used Car Dealership lot is hidden behind four run-down three-story brick buildings labelled A – D, each with automotive-related businesses in their first floors and largely empty-looking second and third floors. Unlike at your near- est Chevy Super Centre, though, there was barely enough space to hold all the available cars. Vehicles spilled into the walkways leading through the brick buildings, and in the lot they were packed three deep, others parked perpendicularly in front of those. This project aims at creating a flexible space, which will serve not just within those few peak times, but can as well be used in some way the rest of the times. A functional “Shared Space” for Janghanpyeong Used-Car Market.