Ledbury WEA
he WEA started life in 1903 with a membership
of two and expanded rapidly in response to
the perceived need to encourage adult learning.
Its development since then has made it the UK's
largest voluntary sector provider of adult
education and it is one of Britain's biggest
Taught by over 2,000 tutors nationally with more
than 8,000 courses delivered in over 2,000 venues,
the organisation still has a part to play in the lives of
many adults.
Active in the community since 2007, Ledbury WEA
continues to support the underlying philosophy of
'Adult Learning Within Reach'.
Our spring term courses include:
t the welcome return of Gerald Brooke's unique
insight into Russian life and culture, 'Russian
Personalities' starting on Tuesday 21st January
t a Film Study Day led by Michael Pyke on Saturday
8th February 'Opera in Cinema' Interiors & Exteriors
t the History and Restoration of Mordiford Mill with
Andy Tatchell on Thursday 5th March Over 25 years' experience
A super friendly, honest
service with a quality finish
and attention to detail
t a Poetry Day exploring the Sonnet Form on
Saturday 7th March led by Joy Roderick
t a day visit to Worcester Porcelain Museum on
Wednesday 18th March
t and - finishing with aflourish - an Elgar Music Day
with Wendy Hill on Saturday 28th March.
Fully Insured
Please call Simon on:
More details are given online at wea.org.uk
searching for Ledbury courses or in our brochure
which is available in many local outlets: the library
in the Master's House, Ledbury News, both of
Ledbury's bookshops or by phoning 01531 806107.
To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]