Ledbury Focus Winter 2019/2020 Ledbury Focus Dec-Jan 2020 v3 | Page 34

 All Roof & Chimney Repairs ͻ Tiling ͻ Slating ͻ Lead Work Eco Friendly Installation Specialists for Flat Roofs Call Dean 01684 561791 ͻ 07920 001611 Christmas Tree Collection Sunday 5th January 2020 L edbury’s Western Explorer Scouts will be collecting Christmas trees from the Ledbury / Wellington Heath area. The collection will be on the morning of Sunday January 5th 2020; leave the tree outside with £5 and it will be collected and disposed of. Proceeds from the collection will go towards supporting activities for almost 100 youngsters: Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts, as we celebrate 101 years of Scouting in Ledbury. If you would like your tree collected please contact [email protected] or call 07876 252 413 and leave a message THE PRACTICE SMALL FRIENDLY ACCOUNTANCY PRACTICE IN LEDBURY We offer all accountancy services including: Ȉ Self Assessment Tax Returns Ȉ Business Start Up Ȉ Vat Returns Ȉ Annual Accounts Ȉ Management Accounts We are a small family business and we are aware how hard you work running your business; let us ease the strains and stresses of your accountancy affairs with jargon free advice and one to one support. We will work together to achieve your goals, supporting each other using our strengths to best advantage. Contact us today: Number 7 The Southend, Ledbury, HR8 2EY website: www.thepracticeledbury.co.uk email: [email protected] Telephone: 01531 631380 Reflexology Relax Restore Revive ĂƌŽůůĂƌŬ&&Z;Ğƌƚ͘ͿD&,d Clinic appointments or home visits within ƚŚĞdŚƌĞĞŽƵŶƟĞƐ ĂůůŽƌƚĞdžƚ 07925 268466 ĐĂƌŽůƐĨĞĞƚΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ ͲdŝŵĞůĞƐƐ&ƵƌŶŝƚƵƌĞ&Žƌ&ŝŶĞ,ŽŵĞƐ ͲϯϬzĞĂƌƐKĨĞƐƉŽŬĞƌĂŌƐŵĂŶƐŚŝƉ ͲdƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů,ĂŶĚDĂĚĞWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ Ͳ&ƌĞĞ,ŽŵĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶƐ WŚŽŶĞ͗ϬϳϳϰϴϯϳϲϴϬϬŽƌŵĂŝů͗ƐĂůĞƐΛĮŶĞũŽŝŶĞƌLJ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ǁǁǁ͘ĮŶĞũŽŝŶĞƌLJ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ 34 To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]