Ledbury Focus Winter 2019/2020 Ledbury Focus Dec-Jan 2020 v3 | Page 18

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aturday December 7th 2019 THE BURGAGE HALL, LEDBURY 10 am ± 4pm Free entry Ledbury Marie Curie Fundraising Group All proceeds to Marie Curie Charity No: 0994 18 Woodlands Country Cat Hotel “Where cats are at home” Woodlands Country Cat Hotel is a modern boarding cattery close to the market town of Ledbury in Herefordshire and in easy reach of Hereford, Malvern and surrounding villages. Family owned and run Modern indoor pens with outdoor views Heated sleeping areas Heated beds Now taking bookings for Christmas Tel:  Tel: 01531 Email: 670677 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Woodlands, Falcon Lane, wcch.micres.biz Ledbury, HR8 2JW Woodlands, Falcon Lane, Ledbury, HR8 2JW visit our website: wcchotel.co.uk To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]