Ledbury Focus September 2019 Ledbury Focus September 2019 v2 | Page 15

Keeping Cool in Hot Weather W e all look forward to a good summer. However, there are occasions when very high temperatures and humidity can present a risk to health. Hot weather is more likely to cause health problems for older people for a variety of reasons, including age-related physical changes in the body, chronic health conditions, and even side effects of taking some medications. Top tips for staying cool: • Keep a check on the weather forecast and then you will be able to plan your activities accordingly • Keep out of the heat. Stay inside during the hottest time of the day – late morning to mid-afternoon • If you do go out, wear a hat and keep in the shade as much as possible • Use sun screen of at least factor 15 • If you are travelling by car or public transport always take a bottle of water with you Ledbury Focus • Avoid strenuous activity and limit activities like housework and gardening to the early morning or evening when it is cooler • When inside, try to stay in the coolest part of your home • Keep curtains and blinds closed in rooms that catch the sun • Keep windows shut while it’s cooler inside than out and open them when it gets cooler • Wear loose, light weight, light coloured clothing and a light weight broad brimmed hat • Take cool baths or showers • Splash your face with cold water of place a damps cloth or scarf on the back of your neck to help you cool off • Eat normally but try to have more cold foods, particularly salads and fruit as they contact a lot of water. If you live alone consider asking a relative or friend to visit or phone to check that you are not having difficulties during periods of extreme heat. If you have a neighbour, friend or relative who lives alone, keep in touch with them to make sure they are okay. For information about our services please contact us: Telephone: 0333 0066 299 Email: [email protected]. Registered Charity No. 1093512 Company No. 04393512 • Drink lots of fluids – even if you are not thirsty. Stick to cool water, clear juices, and other liquids that don’t contain alcohol or caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine can increase dehydration 15