Ledbury Focus October 2019 Ledbury Focus October 2019 v2 | Page 36

On the beat in +HUHIRUGVKLUH :HOFRPHIURP\RXUORFDOSROLFLQJFRPPDQGHU Firstly, welcome The new recruits will be embedded into our to the New local policing and help to increase the Herefordshire visibility of our Safer neighbourhood Teams policing update. (SNTs). Our SNT play a vital role in the Herefordshire’s communities we serve and are at the heart command team of local policing. and I know how Although, I am introducing our new quarterly important it is for updates – your next update will be from your you to know local Safer Neighbourhood Inspector; who what your local will keep you updated on local issues and policing teams initiatives in your area. are up to and Thank you for your ongoing support in that there are helping us achieve our overall aim to protect officers in your people from harm and make our area that are able to deal with communities safer. the issues that affect the local residents the most. West Mercia Police is currently in the process of its biggest recruitment drive in history with new officers already allocated to Herefordshire. Sue Thomas, Superintendent Herefordshire local policing commander %XUJODU\ We know the devastating impact of being a victim of a burglary can have which is why it is a priority for us. :KDWDUHZHGRLQJ" We have been using our problem solving approach to target prolific offenders and implement proactive operations, leading to a 20% reduction in burglaries across Herefordshire in the past six months. We are also working more closely with the We Don’t buy Crime team to offer SmartWater to local communities. On the beat in +HUHIRUGVKLUH 5RDG7UDIILF$FFLGHQWV We want to reduce the amount of deaths and serious injuries on the road. 36 :KDWDUHZHGRLQJ" We are working with our partners in the Safer Roads Partnership to run initiatives all through the year to target the fatal four: mobiles, drink and drugs, speeding, seatbelts. This month we are out monitoring speed in the local community to help keep you all safe. To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]