Ledbury Focus October 2019 Ledbury Focus October 2019 v2 | Page 33

DESIGNING WITH PLANTS PLANTS DESIGNING WITH London College of Garden Design Trained RHS L3 LEVEL - 20 3 YEARS - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE CLOUD PRUNING GARDEN DESIGN & MAINTENANCE GARDEN DESIGN & MAINTENANCE ,ĞŝĚŝdƵůůŽĐŚ ;ŽĐƚŽƌŽĨŚŝƌŽƉƌĂĐƟĐͿ 07472 383412 [email protected] EDGEHOGARDENS.COM 3$9(<285:$< resurfacing specialists Make Your Outdoors Great Again with our Inspirational Ideas ¡ Driveways ¡ Patios ¡ Block Paving ¡ Decorative Stone ¡ Great Deals on Natural Sandstone ¡ Tarmac ¡ Vehicle Crossing ¡ Drop Kerb Entrances ¡ Large Selection of Products Ask about our Drive Cleaning Service Av. drive £120 Ledbury Focus &ŽƌĂůůĞŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐĐĂůůŽůŝŶ:ŽŶĞƐ  Z Z Z S D Y H \ R X U Z D \ F R  X N DĂƌƐŚĂůůƐƉƉƌŽǀĞĚ/ŶƐƚĂůůĞƌ 10 Year Guarantee on Products - 5 Year Guarantee on Workmanship 33