Ledbury Focus November 2019 Ledbury Focus November 2019 v3 | Page 37

How The Bowen Technique can help with chronic pain I have worked with many people experiencing chronic pain of varying degrees over the years and Bowen really seems to help them. The points highlighted below I believe are reasons why this technique is so effective. Bowen is gentle Light touch often elicits significant benefit to the body and many studies have confirmed that the lighter the touch, the more effective and profound the effect of the treatment can be. The Bowen Technique is incredibly gentle and involves light moves being applied to different parts of the body. The moves are often made over muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, joints and occasionally, nerves. Treatment aims to stimulate the nervous system and body to begin a process of healing, repair and rejuvenation. Bowen works on many levels The Bowen moves – are made at key structural points on the body which the brain uses as natural reference points to determine the body’s posture. As a result, the moves can have a huge effect on the way the body holds itself. The nervous system – sensory information is induced by the Bowen move which reaches the spinal cord passing through the nerve pathways to the different centres of the brain. At this point the information is shunted back and forth via a complex self-corrective feedback mechanism; this information is then sent back down the spinal cord to the individual muscles for correction to take place. relationship with key structural bands of muscle via fascia. One key function of fascia bands is to maintain upright structure. If there is tension or weakness in the fascia, a range of reactions can result, such as pressure on nerves, tension in the musculature on one side and compensation patterns being set up in the rest of the body. In Bowen, we directly affect fascia by changing the way in which the muscles and fascia relate to each other, and a change in structure becomes inevitable whereby the structure of the body will adopt a better position and the body will be better able to function. To highlight how important and how effective treating fascia is, I give an example that the fascial system contains ten times more receptors than muscles; these receptors send messages directly to the brain. Bowen is holistic and dynamic Our bodies are complex systems that work as a whole and generally, when one system is out of balance a knock on effect will be experienced elsewhere. Bowen work will often have an impact on a multitude of symptoms that an individual may be experiencing. * * * * * * Contact me for more information I offer a free 15-minute telephone consultation so you can find out more about the therapies I practice and how they could help you. Contact me on: Bowen work will also often have a positive impact an individual’s emotional state and there are specific procedures that can be used to address anxiety and emotional issues. The importance of Fascia Fascia is connective tissue that covers all of the structures of the body and allows flexibility and free flowing movement throughout the whole body. The body maintains structure through its Ledbury Focus tel: 01531 579 035 or mob: 07904 457 075 email: [email protected] You can also find out more information on my website: www.complete-balance.co.uk and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter! 37