Ledbury Focus February 2020 Ledbury Focus February 2020 v1 | Page 56
Prawn, Chicken & Chorizo
A quick and easy dish to prepare, perfect for a mid-week supper
or dress it up for a dinner party by adding extra seafood, such
as mussels, squid or seafood mix. Serve with garlic bread.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large red onion
y Defrost the jumbo king prawns
y Chop the Chorizo and onion.
110g Chorizo sausage y Cut the chicken breasts into small chunks.
2 large, skinless chicken breasts y Heat the oil in a paella pan or large frying
pan, add onion, stir for 5 minutes without
letting them brown.
1 teaspoon turmeric
300g paella rice
1 litre chicken stock y Add the Chorizo and fry until it releases its
200g frozen peas y Add the chicken breast and lightly brown.
350g jumbo king prawns
Serves 4
y Stir in the turmeric and rice, coat them in
the oils then pour in the stock.
y Bring to the boil and simmer for 15
minutes, stirring occasionally.
y Add the peas and cook for 5 minutes, then
stir in the jumbo king prawns to heat
through for a final 1-2 minutes cooking or
until rice is cooked.
y Taste for seasoning and serve immediately
with lemon wedges.
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