Learning the Art of Investing In the Right Multi-Bagger Stocks Learning the Art of Investing In the Right Multi-B | Page 6

inflow and outflow of money, and how well they generate shareholder’s wealth over time. Check out their annual revenue generation, net profit generation, year-on-year cash position, and growth pattern in surplus and reserve. All of these will give you a good idea of a good multi- bagger stock. Debt-Reduction A company may be performing well but might fail to generate shareholder’s wealth if it is laden with debt. So, weigh companies on the basis of current debt situation and choose one that is either debt-free or is plummeting its debts radically. In this sector, all three companies make the cut to being the best multibagger stocks. The above mentioned technique is a simple but effective way of picking stocks which may provide multi-bagger return in the longer run. At the end of our method, we rank Kalyani Steel at number one positionfollowed byManaksia and lastlySunflag Iron.