Learning Strategy document 93325 UKMISC Learning Strategy document | Page 14

Transforming Learning, Transforming Lives Summary This document has set out our approach to coach learning and development. Coaching is all about people and at the heart of our approach to coach learning and development is people and the connections that they make. It is based on the fundamental principle that people know best about themselves, about their own capacities and capabilities, and about what learning and support they might require. The approach considers the needs of the individual and involves them in the design and co-creation of learning, but it also considers the environment and the community in which they operate, so that learning is contextualised and relevant to the individual. If people are involved in shaping and creating their own learning, they are much more likely to feel empowered, valued, motivated and supported. Learning is more likely to become “sticky”. This approach emphasises the role of human relationships in the facilitation of learning, viewing the role of the tutor or trainer as an enabler, to support people “to learn how to learn”, and not to dictate or direct learning. At UK Coaching, we have already started to embed this approach across the organisation. Over the last twelve months we have worked on a number of pilot projects to test this approach, from the re-development of a multi-skills qualification, to the launch of an inclusive eLearning course for coaching people with a visual impairment. We recognise that we still have a very long way to go and this is just the start of the journey. By creating person- centred learning and connecting individual experiences, communities, people, content and organisations, we hope to provide the basis for a truly unique and transformative learning experience. “ At UK Coaching, we have already started to embed this approach across the organisation. ”