Learning on Fire - Digital Age Inquiry Learning on Fire Summit 2018 | Page 2

B E R N A J E A N @ B J P C O N S U L T I N G . C O M LEARNING ON FIRE ing stion g que a n o r t ust ut s se's Witho you are j meone el e , h o skills ger on s y be on t is n a passe us. You m eone else b m tour y, but so . a g highw the drivin .org doing - fno Kenzie c M Jamie "Questions are the MOST important technology to master for both teachers and students" preparing educators for a culture of thinking AGENCY SHIFTING FROM INFORMATION CONSUMERS TO INFORMATION CURATORS AND MEANING MAKERS. LIFE LONG LEARNERS PBL ROCKS ~ PASSION- BASED LEARNING SUPPORTING ROLE ACCELERATING A HIGHER RETURN-ON-LEARNING [R.O.L.]