Learning Never Stops -- MIND Research Institute 2011 Annual Report 2011 | Page 7

COMMUNITY LEADERS RAISED $ 5 MILLION to support the OC Math Initiative and better the community .

COMMUNITY LEADERS RAISED $ 5 MILLION to support the OC Math Initiative and better the community .

“ What the U . S . needs to create tomorrow ’ s high-tech workforce is a revolutionary tool like this . And we need to get it in more schools across the country .”
With degrees in engineering and business , Steve Litchfield understands the importance of math and science education . When Steve learned about the MIND Research Institute ’ s success in raising math scores with its innovative ST Math program , it immediately piqued his interest . “ At the end of the day , it ’ s about the results . Whether the school is performing in the 30th percentile or the 60th percentile for proficiency , the scores need to go up ,” says Steve , who is the Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Analog Mixed Signal at Microsemi .
Steve convinced two local parents to help him fund MIND Research ’ s ST Math program at his daughter ’ s public school in San Clemente , Calif . “ My daughter experienced some natural struggles with math ,” says Steve . “ But what I saw with ST Math , is that the tool was designed to teach her to persevere .” And that ’ s a skill that will help her succeed in any field .