Activity 5
• Comparing Energy Resources
Students will compare and contrast the use of coal energy to other energy resources in regard to
safety, efficiency, environmental impact and cost.
Students' research, internet access, current resources: books, periodicals, etc.
Discuss various renewable and nonrenewable energy resources: Renewable resources, of endless
supply, include hydroelectric, solar, geothermal, biomass and wind power. Nonrenewable resources,
which are limited in quantities, include petroleum, coal, natural gas, and uranium (used in nuclear
power plants). Divide class into groups and assign different energy resources to be researched and
compared to coal energy. Students should include topics of safety, efficiency, environmental impacts
and cost.
Students compare and contrast coal energy to other sources of energy in
a report, an oral presentation or a debate.
Plan a field trip to a coal power plant, which uses clean coal technology.
By: Danuta Kowalczyk, Poland