Actvity 2
• Coal Combustion and Energy Use
Observe the combustibility of coal and recognize it as an energy fuel.
Small coal samples (1-3 cm. size), votive candles, votive candle holders, aluminum foil, matches,
forceps or needle-nose pliers with insulated handles, goggles, thermometers, water, small beakers,
Review that heat is a form of energy; and things that give off heat are an energy source. Introduce
activity to recognize coal as an energy fuel. *This lesson can be structured as a teacher demonstration
or as a student hands-on project. Teachers should use their discretion. Have students work with
partners to share materials. Distribute materials, except for matches. Students put on goggles. They
place candles on aluminum foil, place thermometers in bottom of beaker, and fill beaker with just
enough water to cover base of thermometer (25-50 ml.). Students note temperature of water at room
temperature. Teacher lights one candle for each group. Using forceps or pliers, students hold coal
pieces in the flame for one minute. Students observe glowing coal, place coal in beaker and record
water temperature immediately. (Coal samples are difficult to keep burning, but the absorbed heat is
measurable.) Discuss observations. Facilitate class discussion on conclusions of experiment.
Students write procedure, data and conclusions of science lab, and diagram lab set-up.