• Activity 5
Students will get acquainted with the cutting edge means of transport, the history of self –
driving (autonomous) automobile, the road that led to its creation and the possibilities for
further development. Students have to get information about the companies, which
experiment with such automobiles. Students have to evaluate and analyse the type from their
own perspective as common everyday users.
Equipment needed:
Computer, Internet, projector
Description of task:
Students work in pairs and prepare presentations with one of the following titles:
1. The history of creation of self-driving automobile, what kind of demand initiated the
development of the self-driving car (trucks, drones?)
2. Have you seen a self-driving car on the road? Which companies, and with what aim
are developing self-driving cars? For example Google, Tesla… What kind of
technological innovations do they implement?
3. Would you, or would you not buy a self-driving car? Explain your reasons.
By : Hungarian team