Learning Maths and Science Textbook | Page 34

• Activity 3 Reflection of light and waves Objective: Students get acquainted with the phenomenon of reflection of electromagnetic waves, and the way this phenomenon is used in the control of self-driving cars. To get acquainted with the natural law of reflection of light. Materials/Devices: Optical set, source of light, reflective surfaces Procedure: In small groups students perform the experiments, observe the reflection of light on flat, concave and convex surfaces. Students observe the way of light in plane-parallel plate and formulate regularities. Method: Students prepare notes on the experiments, where they illustrate their measurements, observations with figures and drawings. On the basis of what they have learnt students interpret the navigation of the self-driven car. After completing the experiments and preparing their notes, students discuss where in nature can reflection of light be observed. They collect photographs from the Internet, which are shared at the end of the lesson. 33