Subject:Autonomous cars
About autonomous cars in nutshell
An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car, self-driving car) is a vehicle that is
capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Many such vehicles
are being developed, but as of July 2017 automated cars permitted on public roads are not yet
fully autonomous. They all require a human driver at the wheel who is ready at a moment's
notice to take control of the vehicle. But in one or two years fully-autonomous cars will
appear on the roads.
Operating principle
The car has many sensors built in
to detect the object around it, such
as cameras, lasers, gps, and
odometry. To process the data
which comes from these sensors
an avarage self-driving car has
more than 50 ECU (Electronic
Control Unit) built in. The car is
able to identify road signs, traffic
lights, and obstacles like a
pedestrian or a cyclist. It can also
make the best route to your
destination using the traffic information and the information from other cars.