Learning Lab eBooks | Page 6

What does the OKR process look like? Like a wave. It comes and goes. Splashes back and forth. Different each time. KEY RESULTS MID QUARTER CHECK POINT “It is not a Key Result unless it has a number,” Mariassa Mayer. This is a check point to evaluate current situation and adapt as needed So, ensure KRs are measurable. Present graded Q2 & new Q3 OKRs Develop & finalize Q3 OKRs Etc. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Grade previous OKRs GRADES 60 – 70% = GOOD; <40% = BAD 100% = SANDBAGGING GRADING & PUBLISHING OKRs with grades are published for all to see (internally) Scores matter less than the process Use the low grades to re-evaluate. Worth doing? What will we do differently to achieve our goal. We can still get low scores even if we worked 100% It is not important if KRs are achieved a bit later than desired, unless KR had a date in them Accuracy is more important than feeling good A low grade is data! Don’t try to hide it or be ashamed of it. Let everybody learn from it instead.