Minnesota Iron Range
The Minnesota Iron Range refers to a number of iron ore mining districts around Lake Superior . Despite the word " range ," the iron ranges are not mountain chains , but outcrops of Precambrian sedimentary forma�ons containing high percentages of iron . Discussion will include the history , geology and the natural ores and concentrates that were produced in these areas from 1848 un�l the mid-1950 ' s .
Date : Fri , Mar 10 Time : 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ3 Loca�on : Gladstone , 105
Minnesota 13 ?
Minnesota 13 was the name given to the moonshine dis�lled on many central Minnesota farms . It was a premium quality , twice dis�lled and properly aged whiskey . Examine the effect of the prohibi�on era on Minnesota with a special look at the Minnesota 13 group of moonshiners in Stearns County . Discuss the Volstead Act and the St . Paul caves , where liquor was stored by gangsters during Prohibi�on . Dan Hartman
Date : Fri , Jan 27 Time : 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ1 Loca�on : Gladstone , 105
American Leper Colonies
Historically , people with Leprosy were held as prisoners and lost their civil rights ( and frequently their families ). Now known as Hansen ' s Disease , Leprosy destroyed lives as much through s�gma as through illness . Learn how a mistransla�on of the Hebrew language was used to put people away for years , some�mes with the goal being death . More importantly , learn how they coped with banishment and even found joy . Kathy Simmer
Date : Mon , May 8 Time : 6:30 – 8:30 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ5A Loca�on : Gladstone , 105
Date : Fri , May 12 Time : 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ5B Loca�on : Gladstone , 105
Defensive Driving Classes
Adults 55 years of age and older , save on your insurance a�er taking this class . See page 31 for dates , �mes and loca�ons .
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An Enigma�c President : Richard Nixon
Nixon was a highly intelligent man who wondered why people never seemed to like him . He kept an Enemies List and approved the Watergate break-in , but at the same �me could make very ethical decisions . Later presidents depended on his wise counsel , but preferred to keep their mee�ngs with him secret . Learn about his important successes , habits and public and private rela�onships . Kathy Simmer
Date : Fri , Mar 24 Time : 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ4A Loca�on : Gladstone , 105
Date : Mon , Mar 27 Time : 6:30 – 8:30 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ4B Loca�on : Gladstone , 105