Learning for All Catalog Winter Spring 2017 | Page 4
Sights, Sounds, History & Geology of the
Apostle Island Sea Caves
Madeline Island will be your base camp to access the Apostle Islands for fun
and explora on! Kayak in the acclaimed sea caves, boat on the big waters of
Lake Superior and hike majes c trails on several islands.
Tour includes lodging, meals, ferry to and from Madeline Island, boat tour,
kayaks and all necessary gear and instruc on, guided hikes and all ac vity
fees. Transporta on to and from Bayfield, WI (where you will catch the ferry)
is on your own. It is approximately four hours from the Twin Ci es.
Detailed i nerary, frequently asked ques ons and
cancella on policy can be found at
www.isd622.org/ae then click on Vaca on
Ed-ventures. For more informa on call
651-748-7252. Register before April 1 and take
advantage of a $25 discount on prices. Space is
limited to 10 par cipants. Registra on deadline is
May 11.
Date: Jun 8–11
Cost: $550 double occupancy, $650 single occupancy
Class #: AET4
Extended Travel Showcase
Looking to see some beau ful scenery
and spectacular architecture, plus hear
about exci ng travel opportuni es?
Landmark Tours will present an array
of inclusive, extended travel packages
to des na ons all across the U.S. and
beyond. For more informa on, call
651-748-7252. Can’t make it? Call
651-490-5408 for a catalog or visit
Mike Lyons
Date: Fri, Feb 3
Time: 10:00–11:00 am
Cost: FREE
Class #: AET2
Loca on: Gladstone, 105
Date: Fri, Apr 28
Time: 10:00–11:00 am
Cost: FREE
Class #: AET2B
Loca on: Gladstone, 105
This showcase is offered at no cost,
but preregistra on is requested.