MetroEastCareerPathways . org
Adult Basic Education
Metro East Career Pathways offers no-cost training and services empowering underserved populations to identify , pursue and succeed in rewarding and in-demand careers . Class locations vary by program and are primarily in the northeast metro area . Some classes are offered online .
MetroEastCareerPathways . org
We start with computer skills development using Northstar Digital Literacy lessons and assessments . The program then focuses on training for the Microsoft Office Specialist ( MOS ) Certificate . A MOS certificate can be earned for Word , Excel and Powerpoint and shows employers that you have high level skills using Microsoft applications to perform essential business functions . You may continue your IT training with CompTIA A + and CompTIA Network + certificate programs , to qualify for employment as a Tier 1 Helpdesk Support Professional or Network Administrator , respectively .
Paraprofessionals help teachers by providing hands-on support with students in the classroom . Applicants for paraprofessional jobs are often required to have an associate ’ s degree or at least 60 college semester credits . The ParaPro test is an alternative way to satisfy this requirement . In this program you will prepare to take the ParaPro test through study classes and practice tests and may take the ParaPro test onsite when you ' re ready .
Work in one of the most in-demand , fastest growing professions as a nurse ’ s aid caring for patients in a nursing home or health care facility . Our program includes classroom training as well as handson skills training and is offered in partnership with St . Paul College . Upon successful completion , we help participants find work in local health care or senior housing facilities .
Interpreters facilitate communication orally between people who don ’ t share a language , in settings such as courts , medical settings , schools , or community-based organizations , or at home . Translators translate the written word from one language into another language . Our three-level training and certification program is offered in partership with the Karen Organization of Minnesota . Participants must be bilingual with a first language other than English .
This hands-on program is an opportunity to explore a variety of trades in preparation for entering an apprenticeship in a trade or beginning a job with a contractor . Learn how to use many tools and machines , trade math , blueprint reading , solar energy , receive a Forklift & Safety Certificate , CPR & First Aid training , and a Northstar Digital Literacy certificate .
Metro East Career Pathways is a consortium of adult education programs from three northeast metro public school districts — Mounds View Public Schools , North St . Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale Schools ( Harmony Adult Education ), and Roseville Area Schools .
Metro East Career Pathways | metroeastcareerpathways . org