Special Interest
Fall Fun Fest : Absolute Elvis
Enjoy dessert and an amazing performance by Todd “ Elvis ” Anderson - a long-time Elvis tribute artist ! For more than 20 years , Todd has performed as Elvis locally and nationally on many stages including the Minnesota State Fair , Milwaukee Exposition Center , Sandhill Center for the Arts , etc . From the 1950 ’ s to the famous 68 Comeback Special , the Elvis ’ years in Las Vegas and a recreation of Elvis famous “ Aloha in Hawaii ” performance ... you will feel as though you ’ ve just taken a journey through music with Elvis Presley himself ! Registration is nonrefundable .
Date : Wed , Oct 18 Time : 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Cost : $ 10 Class #: AESR1 Location : Gladstone , Gym
Register by Friday , October 13th !
British Prime Ministers NEW ! The men and women that are elected to lead parliament have varied and exciting backgrounds . Let ’ s look at a few . Terry Kubista
Date : Fri , Oct 20 Time : 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ1 Location : Gladstone , 105
France : the making of a
kingdom , 987-1328 NEW ! A betting man in the year 1000 would never have put money on France becoming the most powerful kingdom in Western Europe . How did this happen , and how strong was it when the last Capetian monarch died in 1328 ? You will explore the extraordinary history of its rise and its remarkable kings . Jordi Teillard-Cui
The New Monarchy NEW ! We ’ ve had almost a year under the reign of King Charles the Third . What has changed , and what can we expect to change ? Terry Kubista
Date : Fri , Dec 15 Time : 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 15 Class #: AEQ2 Location : Gladstone , 105
Adult Academy
Discover Magical Western
France NEW ! Western France draws visitors to admire the stunning chȃteaux of the Loire Valley and to enjoy the golden sands , beautiful views , and swim-friendly waters at some of the finest beaches of Europe . Explore Normandy and Brittany ’ s early history with remarkable sites to visit and strong culinary traditions . You will taste crepes , far breton , and kouign patatez at the end of class . Jordi will provide you with a sample itinerary that includes his personal favorite destinations and activities . Jordi Teillard-Cui
Date : Tue Oct 24 Time : 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Cost : $ 19 Class #: AEQ3 Location : Gladstone , 105
Date : Fri , Nov 17 Time : 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Cost : $ 19 Class #: AEQ4 Location : Gladstone , 105
District 622 Community Education | isd622 . ce . eleyo . com