Learning & Development March 2014 | Page 5

Exposure to broader/highER-Level work GET A MENTOR Sometimes rather than taking on A mentor is someone, usually more additional responsibilities, simply getting experienced, who helps and guides your exposure to different work or development in a long-term relationship. environments is helpful. This could be attending Some mentoring relationships are relatively client meetings (if this isn’t part of your informal – people who will be a “sounding day-to-day role), or shadowing your manager at board”, or with whom you can more senior managent meetings. discuss what’s on your mind. While we don’t have a structured mentoring programme, if you’re interested in a more formal mentoring relationship, please talk it over Become a subject matter expert If you’re a guru in a particular area and it would with your manager and then with your HR team. be useful for your colleagues to know more about it, why not put yourself forward to become a subject matter expert. This can involve GET A COACH Coaching is another way of developing a running briefing sessions, helping to trouble- particular skill or set of knowledge. It’s shoot quieries or problems, or basically just basically about identifying someone who you being the go-to expert in that subject. could learn from and asking them to teach/ guide/provide feedback for you in a particular area. Career conversations This is a discussion between you and your line manager about your career aspirations. It can help you to think through what your long-term goals are and create a plan for achieving them. You’ll usually get the opportunity to have one around performance review time. 3