LEARNING CHEMISTRISH learnıng chemıstrısh etwınnıng project | Page 3



“Life is like riding a bicycle. You have to act to stay in balance. ”

Albert Einstein


This project was carried out by 5 chemistry-loving teachers. These teachers, who love to learn and teach, have guided 70 students.

Learning experimental chemistrish, Learning elemental chemistrish learning playing chemistrish and learning scientist chemistrish.

Kimyayı bilmek, maddeyi, doğayı, dengeyi yaşam felsefesini daha iyi algılamak demektir.

Chemistry ıs the science language that is spoken all over the world.

Kimya tüm dünyanın kullandığı ortak bir bilim dilidir.

The project has become the bridge bettween the countries, Turkey & Romanıa Chemıstry is the common language for the students.

The project teaches how to act together, with experiments, games and

The instructive life of scientists. Our students can be able to make experiments and play chemistry game. They have learned more about elements and about scientists who studied with Chemistry. They have also learned how to use web 0.2 tools in the lessons.

We have to thank all the students involved in the project.