Learning can be Fun and Exciting! Volume 1, April, 2017 | Page 6

Evaluation Technique:

A rubric will be used to assess student’s work which must meet the following criteria:

The written recipe should include:

1. The name of the recipe.

2. A list of ingredients in the order they will be used with their measurements in Metric or English units.

3. Equipment and utensils necessary.

4. A detailed description must be written in sequence using transitional words.

5. Tips for making a good batch of slime.

6. Text, free of grammatical mistakes.


1. The student presents his work by speaking

with the appropriate fluency.

2. The student completes the task of making


3. Equipment and utensils necessary.

4. A detailed description must be written in sequence using transitional words.

5. Tips for making a good batch of slime.

6. Text free of grammatical mistakes.

The student completed the task of making slime.

The student presents his work by speaking with the appropriate fluency.

the following criteria:

The written recipe should include:

1. The name of the recipe.

2. A list of ingredients in the order they will be used with their measurements in Metric or English units.

3. Equipment and utensils necessary.

4. A detailed description must be written in sequence using transitional words.

5. Tips for making a good batch of slime.

6. Text free of grammatical mistakes.

The student completed the task of making slime.

The student presents his work by speaking with the appropriate fluency.