Learning can be Fun and Exciting! Volume 1, April, 2017 | Page 2

Theme: Non-Fiction Study by Making Gooey Slime

Introduction: In this lesson students will work in groups and learn about non-fiction structure and text features by writing a recipe on how to make slime and creating slime in the process. Then, students will deliver their non-fiction presentations. There is curriculum integration of Science and Math in this lesson. Students will use the Metric SI and English Systems of Measurement and manipulate the stages of matter from liquid to solid. This is a two day lesson, one day for writing the recipe and making the slime and the second day for students to present their work.


Theme: Non-Fiction Study by Making Gooey Slime

Introduction: In this lesson students will work in groups and learn about non-fiction structure and text features by writing a recipe on how to make slime and creating slime in the process. Then, students will deliver their non-fiction presentations. There is curriculum integration of Science and Math in this lesson. Students will use the Metric SI and English Systems of Measurement and manipulate the stages of matter from liquid to solid. This is a two day lesson, one day for writing the recipe and making the slime and the second day for students to present their work.

Theme: Non-Fiction Study by Making Gooey Slime

Level: Fourth Grade

Introduction: In this lesson students will work in groups and learn about non-fiction structure and text features by writing a recipe on how to make slime and creating slime in the process. Then, students will deliver their non-fiction presentations. There is curriculum integration of Science and Math in this lesson. Students will use the Metric SI and English Systems of Measurement and manipulate the stages of matter from liquid to solid. This is a two day lesson, one day for writing the recipe and making the slime and the second day for students to present their work.

Enabling Objectives:

1. The student follows the steps of the writing process to produce a non-fiction text of a recipe by using transition words to describe and explain sequence correctly.

2. The student uses the Metric and English Systems of Units to measure ingredients properly.