padlet.com/seyma_sinan/q7993offe1ec Learn With Songs, Enjoy With Web 2 eTwinning Project /Şeyma BAĞÇİÇEK Those are the things I shared during the project ŞEYMA BAĞÇİÇEK 20 HAZ 2019, 08:08 INTRODUCTION eTwinning Label Movie Maker - Kizoa Video Düzenleme Programı: Yomra Yavuz Selim İlkokulu Şeyma Bağçiçek tarafından YOUTUBE Learn With Songs, Enjoy With Web 2 Şeyma Bağçiçek As foreign language teachers we face dif culties maintaining young learners’ interest throughout our lessons. Consequently, we often have to be very creative in the techniques we use. What makes music such a great teaching tool is its universal appeal, connecting all cultures and languages.When we add web 2 tools near the songs this makes it one of the best and most motivating resources in the classroom, regardless of background of the learner. Based on this we aim to use songs and web 2 tools in our project corresponding to our curriculum I'm an English language techer in Trabzon.I graduated from Anatolian University in 2006 and started lecturing the same year.I'm keen on sports and I am very interested in technology.eTwinning is a rich source for me and for my students.  Our school web site dosyası YOMRAYAVUZSELİMİO.MEB.K12.TR My school and Me Yomra Yavuz Selim Primary School Parent Permission Forms Yomra Yavuz Selim Primary School is located in the north of Turkey. It is a small school on the coastal area with nearly 250 students and 16 teachers.  Şeyma Bağçiçek I added some of my students to the twinspace.Those are the parent permission forms.