Learn Fun! Learn FUN! | Page 2

BEFORE START! This small index will help you to understand how the content is organized. We have listed all the sites used to design this magazine in order for you to know how they work. We hope you like it! Learn fun ® A complete compilation of activities to keep you practicing! Every single skill matters, so these ones will make your language abilities stronger. PAG. 3 Online flashcards are a great way to study! We have created a set of flashcards for you, they are perfect to learn and practice vocabulary. PAG. 1 This activity will help you a lot! Here you are going to practice everything, the best part of this is that every section is divided in consumable bits. PAG. 4 We linked a YouTube video for you! Our video shows you how to use the vocabulary of this edition. A real contact with the language always work, enjoy it! PAG. 2 This one is the most interactive activity of this magazine. Actually, it is a kind of game, so you learn when playing. It is the final assignment of this edition, so good luck! PAG. 5