Lean Belly Breakthrough Ritual / PDF Free Download Lean Belly Breakthrough Bruce Krahn | Page 3
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If certain experts are to be believed, we are currently facing a crisis
the likes of which we have never seen before; we are being faced
with a global obesity epidemic.
Since 1980, the number of people suffering from obesity has
literally more than doubled, with there being 1.4 billion overweight
adults, and 500 million who can be considered as obese.
As far as children go, the numbers just keep on climbing, with
certain countries seeing more than a quarter of their kids suffering
from obesity. Long story short, if things keep on going the way they
do, then in a few decades most of the world's population will be
obese, if of course we even manage to survive that long. In order
to fight this great plague it is important what it stems from… just
like with any huge problem, there are numerous causes in play
For starters, we are leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Long
gone are the days when we ploughed fields twelve hours a day or
dug up coal in mines… long gone are the days when most people
had to dedicate their working time to physical labor. These days,
most people work sitting, or perhaps standing still, and needless to
say, there isn't much effort involved in that, at least in a physical
sense. The problem however is that even though we reduced our